New Norwich Schedule Posted (Not Really)
It's back!!
Well sort of. Here is a shot after talking to technical support .....

Boubere hockey has suffered another devastating loss. On 12/28/2020, we lost another great teammate. Steve Gamache passed on to meet his fellow Boubere, to play on the pristine ice of the afterlife. It is so painful to know that God now holds four Possum jerseys on his bench. Steve has moved on to be reunited with Kevin, Dave and Porky.
I can only imagine how those guys feel, to look out on a pristine sheet of ice, that never needs scraping, or shoveling, or flooding. They look at the competition and laugh. Those other souls don't understand the Boubere rules, or lack thereof. A blatant trip is part of the great pond game. A hook is just the way you play outdoors. There isn't a referee, there are just a bunch of friends, a group of brothers, playing for the love of the game.
I will always remember the night in New London that Steve fed me three perfect passes for easy shots at open nets. My point total at the end of the game, ZERO! Did Steve get upset? Nope. Did he laugh at me? Absolutely. Did he remind me for months? Sure he did. That is part of the way this team has always been. The hockey was secondary, the final score irrelevant. It was alway about the friendship, about the brotherhood, about being together. Winning was great, but spending time on the frozen pond, or in the parking lot, was the important part. It was about being friends, it was about being teammates, it was about being family, that really mattered.
I think back to all the games I had the honor of playing with Steve on the rink or the pond. Knowing I always had an outlet on the boards. Watching him and Scott Dunnack feed each other. Knowing he was chasing me down at Bibbins, or Nasin's pond, and a trip was in my immediate future. Listening to his advice and admonishment after dumb defensive plays. Every moment, an honor I will never forget.
Steve was the skill within a group of hacks. He was the talent many of us wished to achieve. He was a friend, a teammate, a brother. Steve Gamache was a Boubere. We will never forget his tilted head laugh, his chewing tobacco stain in front of the bench, his love for the game or the love we felt for him. We will never forget Gamache.
Until the day comes when we reunite on St. Peter's smooth ice, know that you will be missed dearly by your brothers. Though we are not blood, we are family. Closer than many relatives will ever be. We will miss you every day until we are once again a team.
Steve Gamache, forever, a Boubere.
Go Boubere!
Joe Y
For the split squad that is playing in that "other" league, if your management would communicate you to could have all of your Hockey "Glory and Fame" recognized here on our hollowed site.
For all Softball league information go here:
2016 Boubere Softball
Summer 2016 schedule is posted!
Boubere's duel sports wins!!
Boubere's post back to back victories with a 10-2 win on the ice over the Average Joe's on 6/29 and back it up with a win over Tru Cut on the softball diamond! What will the Boubere's do next?
Boubere Softball Team Celebrate wins!
Breaking news....
Check the Softball web page!!
It's History!!
Boubere Inaugural NHL C League Champions (aka Rose Garden Ice Rink)

Contact Coach Robin to schedule your day with the trophy.
Broomball 2014 photos added!
New photos on Championship page
Newest Boubere!!
Greg and Lucrezia welcome the newest member of the Boubere family - Seth, 8 lbs 14 oz and 20"
DCC / Kevin Crosbie Pond Hockey Day
Check the Photos page for more from this great day!
Hello DCCers,
Thank you for coming out and risking your ankles and ACLs last weekend in N. Windham. A special thanks to emm Le Intern and Larry for getting us in the paper (non-police report section), creating a rink out of a mess, and bringing out the Bouberes (though I suspect it takes a little more than barely skateable slush to keep those guys away). And Bill Dresser keeps his consecutive DCC streak alive at 18 years.
On short notice we raised $1,000 for Dana Farber in Danny's and Kevin's
names, and some cash for the scholarship offered by Danny's parents.
That's a testament to you guys, no matter what anyone says about you.
Still time to give if you'd like - contact me.
A photo of the proceedings is attached. I'm no expert but those Diet
Pepsi cans look an awful lot like Genny Cream.
Stay tuned for info about a DCC spring event - tentatively May 17. It'll
be a family friendly picnic. Maybe we'll even try to get some broomball
Thank you, and pray for pond ice.
2014 USPHC Update...
The Boubere's make the annual trip west to Lake Nokomis with their 7th trip to the USPHC. The trip started out with a little panic. Trip organizer, Dennis conveniently over slept. Not to worry, as Mario Lettieri got the group to the airport with minutes to spare. The weather was mild on Saturday and Sunday. Games started on Saturday with a 12 to 7 win over Dekes of Hazzards. A first for the Boubere team. The first game on Sunday was a 24 to 4 win over Ms. Conduct. This is the first year that Team Boubere won their first two games. The final game on Sunday saw the boys play, The Tyler Dill Experience. The boys needed to win this game to advance to the playoff round. The game went back and forth, ultimately Team Boubere lost 8 - 7 and ended the Tournament 2-1. Monday's game paired the "Old guys", Robin and Dennis with the "Young guns" Neal and Jimmy verse Alain, Joe, Larry and Mike. Another hard fought game but in the end Robin, Dennis, Neal and Jimmy were victorious.
Another Boubere First - 10-31-13!
Boubere's manage a 3-0 Win with only 5 skaters and a goalie !
Wait don't we have a 20 man roster? Hmmm
Boubere and Buzzard Fishing Trip July 19, 2013

Let's see.... What's wrong with this picture? Fishing poles not being used, no visible beer only bottled water! The folks in the background caught a fish.
The official report from John the Mad Fisherman Walker, "why yes, I did catch the biggest fish, a 34" Striper" which won him the pot for the day. The group caught 25 fish, Blues and Stripers and had to toss back 2 Stripers who were still not of legal 28" size..... Hmmm that sounds suspicious.
A good time was had by all AND no one was lost at sea.
Message from Joe:
To my Boubere friends, family and teammates. This message is passed along to say “See you on the pond someday!” Because of the mechanical plant issues at the rink in Norwich, I have unfortunately played my last game in the Boubere maroon colors here in Connecticut. I will continue to proudly wear the team colors in Minnesota, if you will still have me, that is!
Kathy and I will be moving to our new home in Tennessee right after the 4th of July.
It seems so unreal to think that the next time I lace up a pair of skates; it will be with a new team. Something I haven't done for over 20 years. It will feel so strange to be playing along side someone other than you guys. It brings a very strong note of sadness to my mood, and literally a tear to my eye.
Teammates, friends, cohorts and accomplices. That is just a short list of the descriptions that describe you all. The times we have shared have been happy, funny, sad, difficult, and sometimes painful. But no matter what, even after months apart, within minutes upon reuniting, we were all once again, Boubere. They say that relationships like that only exist between individuals that are truly best friends.
I am proud to consider each and every one of you as my best friends. I hope that our paths will cross again someday in the future. I am already trying to figure out how to work in a pond hockey weekend each year. Who knows, some crisp, cold, Saturday afternoon in January or February, you may look up from the smooth black ice to see me coming down the bank with my bag over my shoulder and a 30-pack under my arm.
I would love the opportunity to meet up as a team one more time before I leave, if we can work something out. If not, I am keeping my cell number and email address, so please stay in touch.
I will miss you all! Thank you so much for allowing me to become a member of this incredible group. Don’t ever change! You guys have figured out how to make things feel right, no matter what the situation. Don’t ever forget the important things in life: It’s only a trip if it’s flagrant, no matter what the score the last goal wins and there are three beers left!
I love you guys. GO BOUBERE!
snif .... now den who's der going to be de first to der go and dat der crosscheck and dat der slash that der guy?
Sendoff gathering being scheduled look for text soon.
Fresh & best ice of the year!
Pond Ice Saturday 2/2 and Sunday 2/3
12:30 pm @ Bibbins
Boubere's Head to USPHC & Lake Nokomis for 6th year!
The Boubere's Streak CONTINUES!! While the team lost their first game on Saturday to Cougar Bait 14- 3, they bounced this morning back to beat the Wolves 6 - 4 and fell to the Wildmen in their third game 14 - 3. Now it's time to grab a beer or two and rest up,as the last and deciding game for the "CUP" comes tomorrow morning.
See Photos Page for shots from First Ice Saturday 1/5/13!
Bibbins, Saturday January 5th 12:30
Questions call Larry, Joe or the Intern
Buzzards 12/20/2012 Tribute to Kevin - aka - Gump

Boubere Pints - From Santa Joe

Boubere Mascot Moonlighting?
Possum Cartoons...
This Possum News Just in...

PETA objects to Festive Possum Dropping Tradition
Possum drinking game? Who Knew?

Concern in New Zealand at 'possum' drinking craze | |
Bouberes Play in Yet Another Championship Game
Click Larry's photo to see video of game. Larry's goal is around 1:08.
Once again other team does not come out to play fourth period.
Private note: Wife says "You stayed out in that parking lot until 2 a.m.?"
Me: "Of course not , we moved to the commuter lot at 1 a.m."
Today's Latin Lesson
Quondo Omni Flunkus Mortati
When all else fails, play dead
Danny Casey Classic Results
Bouberes finish second
Glastonbury/Avon/Others finish second to last
Fun pond hockey afternoon
Dana Farber got good donation
Mr. Casey spoke well reminding us to call/visit those who are ailing or those who have lost someone.
Tournament results are protested to Universe Pond Hockey Rules Committee -- refs sucked, sun was too bright, it was too dark, other team skated too fast, etc.
To make a monetary donation, please write a check to "Dana Farber" with "Danny Casey Classic" in the memo line, and send to:
Anders Peterson
16 Eastland Road
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Le Grande Boubere Update...
Le Grande misses tournament when new escape tunnel (see below) comes up under pole at Electric Blue...Le Grande was heard to say to the stripper on stage "Le Damn, that is le wrong tunnel, by gar"... Le Grande is slapped and re-arrested. Awaiting le extradition back to Quebec.
Gary sends this:
"A Role Model for Larry"
Ballet dancer Zina Bethune dies after being hit by two cars and dragged 600ft along road as she stopped to help wounded possum
One of the comments states that it was only “playing possum” and left the scene.
Also, did another possum stop to help her ... or just drive around her carcass?
Hey Le Grande Boubere, Get off your ass and post this web address to the Boubere web site. . This is the full movie, not that wussie trailer you have posted . If you don't post this A.S.A.P., I'll lash on my old blades & kick your fat, beer swilling, KFC chicken eating, beer swilling, bullshit story telling, beer swilling ass at the pond! Oh shit, sorry, that was just an old pond hockey warrior ranting and raving. Thing are good here at the Boubere Retirement Club (The Trolley Pub). Keep your stick on the ice.
Danny Casey Classic Boubere Update
When word reached Le Grande Boubere imprisoned at the Mytestescold Institute for the Criminally Quebecois that the Danny Casey Classic was set for Feb. 26 in Simsbury he immediately began a tunnel escape from the prison. After three months of digging it occurred to him to go back and get a compass. Now one month into digging the new tunnel, he assures pond hockey fans that he will lead his team once again to victory or as he says "Mounge un shal de mal!"
Yes, shocking the best pond hockey players in the country the Bouberes Won (one match) at the tourney.
Alas, we have no photos
Exciting final at Windham Invitational
Lack of ice was no concern as the Windham Invitational tournament was played in emergency conditions at the XL center, Madison Square Garden and the Dunk
Once again Martina Howe captain of the Baltic Academy girls school team accepts congratulations from Rod Toothicktoohardandtoodeep of the runner up Narragensett tribe. This marks the 6th year that the Baltic team has won the three year old tournament.
Because of the lack of ice so far Ray suggests a sacrifice
2015 Broomball Championship
click the photo below for video
Scouting Report for US Pond Hockey Tournament
Boubere 2012 team:
At Norwich League
Dennis gets 2 Two 2 fighting penalties for one fight. Pussy #4 from Code Blue intervenes as third man in by trying to slew-foot Dennis while he was tied up with his opponent.
The Boubere Hansen Brothers become 4th, 5th and 6th men in fight. MikeL Hansen got a hold of #4, JohnW Hansen got the left hook going while Al Hansen got the right uppercut going. JohnH Hansen was ready to intervene.
There were reports of another altercationer but JohnH Hansen didn't see who it was.
Kid ref went to get help and called the game.
Looking forward to Minnesota....
From the Norwich League Suspension list:
7/28/11-Code Blue-??-#4 1 game on 7/30/11 for leg check, return on 8/3/11
Note to Other Bouberes, due to above suspensions we won't have enough players to play next games. Let Larry know if you can play.
Pond Ice Update from Joe
(Not Robin or New Guy, tsk, tsk)
Le Apology From Dis Dere Le Grande Boubere
Now den dere you den le puckwhappers by gar, I must le apologise to you den dere for all these den dere errors on dat den dere le beer le schedule le put on dis den here eh website by dat den dere le Kevin dat le idiot who le messed up dat dere den le beer le schedule den dere, eh.
(In den dis dere le fairness, le Dennis and dat den dere Le Johnny H got things out of dat den dere le order by gar). But le Kevin le should know dat den dere better den to le rely on den dere dose two, by gar, eh.)
Le Kevin dat le idiot den ask me how he den dere den should le fix dat den dere le beer le list. I den dere have to ask le judge at dis den dere my dat dere trial for le corrupting le morals of those den miners, by gar, dat den I le must leave dis dere le trial to le fix dat dere den le beer list. Now den dere, dis le absence from dat dere den le trial might be dat dere le blessing by gar as I den dere le notice dat those dere le jury le members all wear dos dere den miners helmets with dose dere den le lamps on dere le front dere.
Un tabernac!
Le luckily dat dere den le Kevin said dat dere den le Neal le volunteer to be dere dat le first den on dis here den le beer list.
Now den dere, by gar, what was dat le dere le question le again?
Report from Norm:
Hi all,
Doing well over here. In a different location now. Hanging out in Bagram for a little while. Took a picture of myself with flat Kevin and flat Farley.
The other picture shows flat Farley hitting on Captain Froehlich. She declined to press charges.
Hope everybody is well,
And here is Captain Froehlich’s response:
Haha, it just didn't feel right pressing charges, being I was so much
bigger than everyone :)
Gunslinger pulls strings - enters late entry in landscape photo contest
Due his very personal relationship with Le Grande Boubere, Glenn Gunslinger has been able to enter the landscape photo contest weeks after it started. He calls it "Lord Stanley's Cup or Sunset at Plaskas"
Click here to vote for it
Breaking News!
Bouberes win Norwich C League Championship
Three weeks ago
Bouberes cap off a rock solid summer season in which they have most victories, best goals for and against (not counting the crooked league adding points during the season to another team because "they played games against B league teams") by thoroughly beating two teams in playoffs. Goals by (I forget) Al?, Ben?, Dave?, solid D and goaltending by JimL Sr. Click here for video of championship game.
Boubere Landscape Photo Contest Finals
See Features Page or
Click Here
to Pick winner from the two finalists
First Ice Contest Updated
Jim L Sr. wins First Ice contest with his uncanny
1st pond ice Sept. 15 2011 @ 1:23 pm,
pick. For that one minute we had ice. Here he recreates his pose from several year's ago at Plaksa's
The contest will continue with the SECOND first day of pond ice.
Gary M and Kevin C have already entered. Jim L Sr. gets $5 and the Danny Casey fund gets $5. Click here to enter your date of the second first day of pond ice
Note for Neal R. about the old Boubere stories
Joe and I are really tired of having to stay out to 2 a.m. in the parking lot going over and over the Boubere stories while you say "Tell me more, tell me more". We need sleep. To make this process easier we have labeled the old stories with numbers on the "Lists" page of this website. From now on someone can just say "#6" (#6 = leaving the old pond someone would yell "Base camp" and we would stop and drink. Sometimes it would take hours to get up to the road) and we can all laugh at the story and you can look it up here on the website.
Miller's Heroes
Special Action Squad: Norm with Flat Kevin and Flat Farley - Coming to a theater near you!
"I had a couple of visitors here today. This is right outside my tent. Doing well here."
2) Kevin the Sieve bets Dec. 15 6:43 and 20 seconds a.m.
Boubere Gardening by Jim B
Special Interview with Jack Noheimer
Interview conducted by Im Notaliar
Im:Jack you played with the Bouberes in the early days. What was that like?
Jack: Well Kevin C and some of his little friends were playing street hockey in his back yard so Dupe and I went there with real hockey sticks and beat their asses.
Im: KevinC says he was always greatful for you giving him the sticks and the special advice you offered. What was that?
Jack: He asked me what to do with the sticks and I told him to shove them up his ass. Soon after Larry asked me to play in the UConn B league.
Im: You are like 100 years old yet you play like a much younger player. What do you attribute that to?
Jack: Well, my style of play. I like to play a finesse game and show the younger guys what skilled hockey is all about. I often take the puck the whole length of the ice by myself and I can tell by Larry's face that he really likes that.
Im: There are some that say it's not really you playing. That a younger guy is taking your place. Are you really Jack Noheimer?
Jack: That's the name on my jersey.
Im: Away from hockey what do for fun?
Jack: Needlepoint, a lot of needlepoint and romance novels. Also young women. There's something about a sweaty Boubere uniform that attracts the kind of girls that I like.
Im: Is there any last comment you like to share with the readers
of the number 1 pond hockey site in Connecticut?
Jack: Hey Boubere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meet Ethyl who is an early entrant in the Miss Laying of the Hose Beauty Contest
Not hockey but The Funniest Video EVER!
click here
NOTE ABOUT PHOTO BELOW: If Sweeney invites you out on his boat... it may not be what you expected...
Boubere Infiltration

Hartford Courant 7/5/2011

Bouberes are everywhere... undercover (are those breadcrumbs coming out behind the fish?)
New Original Boubere Song by Le Grande Boubere
This new original composition was written by Le Grande Boubere who is still le incarcerated at the Mytestescold Correctional Facility in Asbestos, Quebec where he awaits jury selection for his trial for being a corrupting influence on miners. Le Grande wrote the song on a beer can and attached it to the collar of his carrier possum. The song is called Oh Boubere.
O Boubere
O Boubere! Our home and native land
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise
The true north, strong and free
From far and wide, O Boubere
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free
O Boubere! We stand on guard for thee
O Boubere! We stand on guard for thee
15th Danny Casey Classic raised well over $5,000 for cancer survivor
programs at Dana Farber, and the scholarship in Danny's name at
Glastonbury HS. Thank you to all players for wowing the fans and
supporting the causes.
Full group:
On the ice, a cracker jack unit from the ponds of Windham successfully
brought Le Grand Boubere's game indoors. "We've never won anything," said
one scrappy player, identified only by his uniform number, -1. Indeed, the DCC-virgin Bouberes faced strong competition from the chronically
undermanned Glastonbury Screaming Eagles and the perpetually hay-baling
I-91 Club en route to earning a year's worth of memories with the Stockade
Road Whalebox.
In good hands:
It has come to light that Le Grand Boubere him/herself may have been
tending goal for the champs, a rumor which brought loud cries of foul play
from I-91 Club purists/atheists when the spiritual puckstopper was awarded
MVP honors. Le Grande Boubere defended the crease-swabbing style of play: "Zay ask me pay 75 dollar for zee 7 minute ice time and I can no take
break in zee crease? Emmm...tabernak de crisse!"
A dead possum?:
Screaming Eagle bewilderment:
Technique and Style:
As usual, there is no shortage of controversy in the wake of the DCC.
Stay tuned. Thank you again, and please consider an additional donation.
More merchandise available: hoodies, t shirts, hats, etc. Send checks
made out directly to Dana Farber (with Danny Casey Classic in the memo
Anders Peterson
16 Eastland Rd.
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
More great pics from Danny's uncle Rich Davis:
And a slideshow too:
Respectfully submitted by
Anders "Penalty Box" Peterson
See more photos on "Features Page"

Anonymous Submission with a note:
"Turns out it's all true"
What could it mean?
I believe that in fact there are boubere creatures -- crossed-eyed possum like rodents that stalk eastern Connecticut. In fact I think that this most elusive quarry has shown itself around ponds in years past and that when EJ and Crosbie and Norm have taken high and wide shots at the wood and missed... they were actually hunting bouberes in the brush. I think the above is the remains of one puck-hunted and killed with a wrist shot in the Hosmer Mountain area. What do you think?
Gary wants to know why you guys aren't at the pond? (click photo for video)

Bouberes enjoy Danny Casey Classic
Casey Honored by Family, Friends, Players
Fun Pond Hockey Games Raised Money for Cancer Services
Mystery Goalie leads Bouberes to Victory
Jimmy L. Passed the Puck
The Bouberes enjoyed playing in the Danny Casey Classic at Wesleyan University Sunday. Players enjoyed some very close pond hockey games and got to meet the late Danny Casey's family and friends ... and raise money for cancer services at the Dana Farber Institute.
Jimmy L, Al, Norm, Kevin, Larry, Ben, Jimmy B., Jay, and Neal were coached by Joe who was injured and could not play. Jimmy L. Sr. cheered on the B's.
Spectacular play by an at first unidentified goalie saved the Bouberes and led them to the tournament championship. At first the mystery goalie was thought to be Moebes but after the game Coach Joe revealed that the outstanding goaltender was of course Le Grande Boubere himself, temporarily released for the event from the Mytestescold Le Penetentiary in Asbestos, Quebec where he awaits an appeals court decision on his conviction for impairing the morals of miners. (Le Grande is confident that his defense of never ever having been in a mine will in fact prevail.)
After the tournament Le Grande discussed his appearance:"Well, den dis dere Danny Casey Tournament is dat dere den le too good a cause and event, by gar to leave it to those den dere le hackers,eh, dat den dere den, by gar, call themselves den Bouberes to den embarrass le themselves so dat den dere, eh, I have to le lace em le up and den dere den ,... what den was dat dere le question?"
Click on photo below for video

An update from our own porcelain doll, Neal:
" I was slightly touched by a phone call I received from Joe, while mending (slope side) from my "slope induced", collar bone fracture. Basically, I was told that news of my fight made it past the Mississippi and was spreading like wild fire. That was till Larry had to go ahead and ruin my lore. Thank you Larry. You couldn't have run with it a little? I guess I'll just have to go head hunting in my return to the ice on the 17Th.
But, by the time this gets posted on the Boubere site, the game will be over, we will have lost because I generally don't pass to my teammates. I'll be suspended for two games for fighting, and on my way to the hospital with a concussion, from skating into the boards, which I hit on my way off the ice, while letting the opposing player (that I tried to dismember), know how much of a pussy she is, then shortly thereafter take it back and say she is "good people."
On second thought, I'll just get drunk in the parking lot and yell incessantly at Larry, from the stands. See ya Thursday.
Notorious Boubere Neal
Bouberes Win At
US Pond Hockey Championships
Six local pond hockey players from the Boubere Hockey Club traveled to Lake Nokomis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for the 6th annual U.S. Pond Hockey Championships. The tournament took place from January 21st through the 23rd, with 240 teams competing in 5 divisions. The Boubere’s finished in the middle of the Rink Rat Division standings with a 1-2 record. They scored 29 goals while allowing 24 goals against.
This year the weather was cooperative with game time temperatures ranging from 7 to 14 degrees, clear skies and calm winds.
The team consisted of Al , Mike , Larry , Dennis , Robin and Joe . All of these players are local residents with a passion for hockey, indoors or outdoors. This is the teams 4th year participating in this tournament.
Respectively submitted by Joe Knows
Additional note: At the Minnesota tournament one of the teams asked which
of the Bouberes was Neal? You know Neal from the Boubere website who had the 20 minute hockey fight at Norwich. Larry explained that A) Neal wasn't with them and 2) the Boubere webmaster exaggerates.
See Photos on Championship page
Note from EJ about his recent bout of "Possumitis"
I am touched by all of the recent fan mail and telephone inquiries as to my perceived medical shortcomings. However, I wish to inform all fellow Bouberes of my successful "possum change" operation. The almighty one has alllowed me to go to the mountain top and see the promised land. It's a little difficult to get used to hanging upside down from tree limbs and laying still on the road side with that shit eating grin but I've been truly blessed!
I'll be back in circulation soon and hope to see a game or two.
Brother E.J.
Special Update on
Windham Invitational Pond Tournament
Bolton Lake Division from Gunslinger
"Your coverage of the Invitational was fantastic!
You did miss reporting on one critical game in the early rounds - boubere vs team buzzard.
The game was called early when both teams ran out of beer. The score was tied 9-9. Most goals in the defensive battle were scored accidentally. In an unprecedented move, tournament officials decided that neither team would advance. Instead, they selected the Bolton Ice Palace “women’s learn to play hockey class” to represent Eastern Connecticut.
Their comments - if anyone understands “gotta hit wood”, it’s these gals."
Respectfully submitted -- Glen Gunslinger
The Thrusters took the Clenchers deep in Saturday's game at the temporary facility at Three Ponds North Windham
The Reamers came from behind to punish the Flamers during an early round at Plaska Pond
The Penetrators were able to squeeze past the Sphinxors defense at the climax of the Tourney at the Bibbons Pond Opera House and Mall
Crowds thronged the foamboard Stadium at the Bibbons Pond Opera House and Mall for the championship final between the Penetrators and the defending champions Academy of Holy Family Girls School team
Honorary Captains were hockey greats Maurice Richard and Ogie Oglethorpe
The All-Star game showcased a variety of talents
Rod Toulounge of the losing Penetrators congratulates Martina Howe of the winning Academy of Holy Family Girls School
The Rabid fans in the corporate skyboxes drank up the excitement
Funniest Beer League Cartoon Ever!
(click cartoon below, Thanks John)

and another about playoffs with a surprise ending (click cartoon)

Highlights of the Boubere Foliage Tour of Western Mass.(click photo)

So we followed Mobe's directions to Barre, MA but then we thought we'd check the rink in Stafford (no ice) then we got on Route 9 west in Palmer (no foliage)
then we got to Barre and watched old Midnight Special music videos (Ted Nugent, Sly Stone, Mama Cass Elliot with John Denver) Then we watched the Boubere movies from the master tapes (hilarious - the guys that made them were geniuses), then we headed south on Route 32, got on Route 9 west (no foliage) and got on 91 by Mount Tom (no foliage) and went home(no refunds)
New Guy traveled past Phoenixville
R.Weeks Memorial Broomball game
Results and Video
Final Score Good Guys 12 Bad Guys 11
Ben 17 goals
Greg 15 goals
Gary 15 goals
Joe 14 goals
Larry Mooney 14 goals
Ray 13 goals
Mike K 12 goals
John 2 goals
Dennis 2 goals
Kevin 1 goal
Rob 0 goals
Al Not available
Nice Try Larry
Link to KoombyAh at the old pond
(I recall EJ had to call someone and we started to sing so that he would have to explain what the hell that background noise was)
L'equipe Boubere,
Thanks so much for the skate today and for your gracious hospitality. Hope we can make it back at some point before the season's out but if not, we look forward to seeing you next year!!
Click HERE I-91 Whalers Boubere Videos
Hopefully some of the I-91 guys will come back and, with time, will be brought down to our level.
Also that night in Sweeney's van after the Sat. game, I know we solved world hunger and where the missing sock in the dryer goes, but I can't remember the details.
More of Greg's Bloody face
The lead candidate for First Blood Award.
You other guys aren't trying
**** Minnesota UPDATE now with video ***Story repeated on Hartford Channel 30 ****
Full credit to the traveling Bouberes in Minnesota. This was the 3rd year of going to the U.S. Pond Hockey Championship weekends. The best part of the trips have been the Bouberes playing their own game at the tournament site on the Monday morning after the tournament, before flying home.
Well, weather canceled the tournament Sunday, but our boys were not to be deterred -- they went to the roof of the parking garage at the hotel across from their own hotel and played a ball hockey game to the enjoyment of the viewing guests at that hotel. (Dennis gets injured).
THEN on Monday morning (with colder weather) they made the pilgrimage for their private Boubere game at the empty tournament site. AND along comes the local TV station who films "the crazies from Connecticut who played their own game the day after the canceled tournament"
Click for Bouberes in Minnesota TV Video
Click this link
Visiting team gets taste of 'pond' despite canceled tourney
By Dana Thiede, KARE NBC TV
MINNEAPOLIS -- Winters in Connecticut are a touch unpredictable, so Team Boubere knows a bit about about slushy ice on the pond.
They just didn't expect it when they came to Minnesota.
"It was very dissapointing," shared Larry Mooney, one of the team's leaders. "We've played in the water before, but it was getting deeper and deeper, and we had the feeling he (2010 US Pond Hockey Championships organizer Fred Haberman) was going to have to cancel it. "
Team Boubere was entered in the 'Rink Rat' division of the championships, and had 3 games scheduled for Sunday before the tournament was called off due to dangerous ice conditions. With all three games cancelled the guys were anxious to play any kind of hockey, so they decided to play boot hockey in a parking lot by their hotel.
Bad idea.
"Unfortunately we lost one of our team members, he wound up in the hospital with a popped achilles tendon so that didn't work out well," team member Joe Yarchak explained.
The return of winter Monday morning gave the guys one last chance to experience 'Minnesota Ice". They shoveled off a now-frozen rink on Lake Nokomis, and held an intra-squad grudge match game to get rid of frustrations, and gain a bit of revenge for pranks carried out over the hockey-less weekend.
"Some practical jokes, wakeup calls, all that stuff," laughed Yarchak. "Room on room, this is our grudge match."
Despite the dissapointment of not being able to play in the 2010 US Pond Hockey Championships, there are no ill feelings towards Minnesota or tournament organizers. In fact, Team Boubere is already hatching plans to return next year.
"Oh definitely, we'll be back," said Larry Mooney. "I think this is an annual pilgrimage, we gotta do it. It's pond."
Controversy Mars 2010 Windham Invitational
Controversy ended the 2010 Windham Invitational tournament as the winning team from the Academy of the Holy Family of Baltic CT girl's school (shown above) was disqualified after a discrepancy was found in one of its player's, (Gordiana Howe, center above), registration forms. She claimed to be born in 1985 in the Dominican Republic.
After protest the championship was awarded to the combined team of Avon/I-91/1980 Olympic team who said it was the first time they had ever, ever played hockey.
More photos from a championship day of beautiful hard -- not wet -- ice and unlimited beer follow:
The unfortunate Goofy high sticking incident is under review by officials
Match de Pond Hockey
Bonjour Grande Boubere,
J'appelle Tyler et I live in de Avon, CT mais mes amis et me, we er grew up in de South Glastonbury and joued beacoup de hockey sur le pond. Nous voudrons play un match sur le pond avec L'equip Grande Boubere.......
My buddies and I play lots and lots of pond hockey and I was trolling the internet looking for pond hockey info here in CT and stumbled up your site(great site!)
We play a charity game every year in memory of a friend we lost in 1996. We play at the rink at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT but obviously follow all pond hockey rules, which as you know are rather simple. Here is a link to our website about the game and its history.....
Anyway, we are a ragtag bunch, often referring to ourselves as the I-91 Club. Some guys made the jump to the rink while others of us continue our can'hardly ways, looking yearly for good outdoor ice. We'd love to play a little game of shinny with you guys down in Windham if possible. The last few days have brought bad news to us pond hockey lovers but we were wondering if you guys would be available Feb. 7 or maybe at the end of Feb. for the weekend of the 26-28th.
I have attached a few photos of us on our road trip to Quebec following the Danny Casey Classic this year. We drove through the backroads of Quebec looking for ponds/town outdoor rinks, old used equipment, and poutine. We successfully found all three.
Again, we would love to set something up if possible. Love your website and happy skating!!
Tyler Webb

Date set for the Windham "Laying of the Hose Festival"...
After the last Norwich game Neal mentioned that they make a small light weight zamboni that uses a garden hose hookup for water. Discussion ensued that it would be long hose runs from the Windham Center Fire House to either Bibbons or Plaksa's ponds. It was decided that we could run the hoses in the late fall and so the Laying of the Hose Festival seemed like a good idea -- including a kielbasa barbeque, a fire department longest hose competition and the Miss Laying of the Hose Beauty Pageant. More info to come.
Neal scores goal during night game
Norwich Update:
Norwich League Short Video
Chapter 1
It was a humid and humid night when Bason Jarrett (names have been changed in this fictional story) was asked about his upcoming National Guard deployment to Afghanistan.
"Well," he answered in a hushed voice, "I'm going in December. "
He glanced furtively around the locker room. "The cover story is to take care of the transport of heavy equipment." He paused dramatically and added, " But it's really Special Ops............ I'm going to bring Flat Kevin back."
You could have heard a puck drop in the stunned disbelief of the smelly locker room...
Chapter 2 Iraqolypse Now (Aug 23 from Barre, MA)
In his sleep Bason Jarrett mumbled over and over…. “It’s got to hit wood. It’s got to hit wood. It doesn’t count if it doesn’t hit wood.” Bason Jarrett opened his eyes and stared up at the blur of the ceiling fan through his bloodshot eyes. He turned his head to the right towards the open window and towards the sound of the noon siren of the Volunteer Fire Department. “Columbia!” he scowled. “Shit! …..Still in Columbia! ………I’m here drinking beer and eating Cevin Krosbie’s old pizza crusts while Abdul is in the mountains getting stronger every day.”
He closed his eyes and didn’t bother to wipe the pizza sauce that had dried on his lips and chin. As he laid there on his back his finger unconsciously swirled around his hairy bare chest. The sauce was thicker on his chest than on his face so it had not yet dried. It resembled a horrible war wound except for the one part where his fingers traced the two letters over and over again “F K.”
“Lemon drops!” He shouted when he opened his eyes. Bason Jarrett could not remember anything. How did he get here on this mountain in some foreign land? Where did his comrades go? How did he get this painless wound on his chest? “Sugar pies!” he yelled and then regretted making noise and giving away his position. Bason Jarrett was trapped, wounded, and out of ammunition. Even without his binoculars, he could see the white towel of Abdul as he was climbing up the mountain towards Bason Jarrett’s position. Then, as if things couldn’t get worse, Bason Jarrett saw through his eyes that stung of sweat……….. a Czechoslovakian landmine lying next to him. But Bason Jarrett wasn’t fearful. Bason Jarrett picked it up and fondled the small, black, flattened cylinder with a rough diamond pattern on the side where it also said “Made in Czechoslovakia.”
Bason Jarrett took a Bic lighter from his pocket that he had been hoping to throw in a campfire. He held it to the plastic stock of his empty M16. In a race against time he warmed the stock and fashioned it into a Right 6 Curve stick blade. He pulled out a piece of an Ace bandage and wrapped the blade to protect it. He then used what was left of the bandage to create a grip and knob on the barrel of the former rifle. He then used a permanent marker to write “Bason Jarrett” on the barrel so that it would not be taken by mistake in the locker room. It should be longer, but this unlikely Kabul Koho would have to do.
Bason Jarrett watched and waited. The towel was moving up the mountain with confidence. When Abdul was within shouting distance, Bason Jarrett shouted to him in what little Arabic he knew. “Amagabafagawaga! Where is Flat Kevin? Do you have an erection?” Abdul’s towel vibrated on his head as he replied “Amagabafagawaga! Uk Fou Amellican! You never see Flat Kevin. Deth to Amellica! I cut off Flat Kevin head next week with rusty scissor! And yes, I just see sexy goat with nice nipples. I have big erection! Uk Fou Amellican!”
Bason Jarrett could take no more. The thought of Flat Kevin in the hands of these goat lovers drove his anger. He grabbed the newly fashioned hockey stick and wound up. He no longer saw Abdul before him. In his mind he saw only a wooden structure about one and half feet high and four feet wide. “This one’s for Flat Kevin!” he shouted as he unleashed the slap shot. The Czechoslovakian landmine sailed down the mountain and exploded upon hitting the right testicle of Abdul. As the top half of Abdul lay dying, only the goats could hear his whispers “The horror….the horror.”
But Bason Jarrett wasn’t smiling. He was glad there was no one else to see his shot. “Right testicle -- dammit! That's high and wide. Doesn’t count. It’s got to hit wood.”
Now someone has to write Chapter 3 and send it to
Still the best picture of the winter
The below titles link to videos; or search Boubere or Boubere22 on You Tube
Old Time Pond Hockey (Vig dance)
Old Time Pond Hockey (part 2)
Night Boot Game Video
New Hit Song "Clunk"
Boubere Music Video
2009 Boot Game Video
2009 Pond Action Video
2009 Pond Roster Video
Swweennneeyyyy!!!! Video
First ice phone call 2008
Broomball Larry Hunt 2008
Bibbons Pond 2007
Bibbons Pond Wide View 2007
Bibbons Pond Ice View 2007
Two Funny Pond Videos
Clown Van Trip to Conn College
Plaksa's Pond 2005?
Broomball Salt Rock 2005?
Broomball 1
Broomball 2
Go to to see highlights from a real movie about pond hockey.
Today's Pond Conditions -- wet , but on the Larry scale "Let's try it".